Cold Christmas Coming

And all I’ll get this Christmas is e-cards and long distance cold messages wishing me well. What I always want to ask those who send e-cards is simple, ‘Can you hang an e-card on a Christmas tree?’ Gone are the days when Christmas was actually Christmas — what days were those?

Well, it’s going to be cold this Christmas. last Christmas, I’d just arrived in Nepal, and there was a whole bunch of us, and we made merry at the Pacific Guest House. Was nice then. Don’t seem to see what holds this time, I guess I have the editing to do.

I’m sitting up waiting for the lunar eclipse to happen, but it hasn’t yet appeared. Wonder if I will see it tonight, or if it was so brief I missed it. I should have sat outside, and waited, but it’s so cold. You can see the mist floating through the trees, with the moonlight shinning through the leaves, and it makes you think of ghosts and vampires. So cold.

I couldn’t sit out. And inside my heater broke. At least I’m talking to someone I’m infatuated with, at least that’s keeping me warm for a while. 🙂

Too bad she won’t be online during Christmas to warm me up through the electric wires.

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