
Dragonflies are my latest craze. I’ve grown fond of photographing them, and as I look at the photos, I notice something weird about them. They have this humanoid look…. I know, it might be just my mind playing tricks on me, but I see them and I see some kind of human thing, maybe a spirit of some kind. Take a closer look at them from the side view, as they rest on the thin branches, or on the fence of my home, and you might see what I see, a face, hands gripping the stick….

I got carried away. I just wanted to say that dragonflies are beautiful creatures. They come in a variety of colors and they make me want to be a botanist so I can know of their different species. Here below, I share with you some of my favourite photos of them.

Oh, by the way, I take tons of photos and now that we are in lockdown, I thought it was time I started sorting through them and sharing them with you. I’m going to give these away under Creative Commons License 4.0, so they are basically royalty free photos. You can use them in your personal blog, or for any other purpose, including commercial, but you cannot resale these photos, and you cannot offer them for download off your site. Just to be clear, you can use them in a book cover that you are going to sale, for example, or in an article, but you can not sale the photo by itself. Understood?

And you must give me credit in this manner: Photos by Dilman Dila dilmandila.com. Yes, please, link back to this website, I depend on it to keep making art.

I’ll sharing them via gumroad, where I have set up an account. These photos of dragonflies, and others I will be sharing are free, so just put $0 in the space where they ask you to name a price, but if you have a dollar to spare, I will be very happy to receive it!

Download Dragonfly photos here.


Dragonfly rests on a thin branch, Dragonflies in Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly rests on a thin branch, in Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly, red in color, rests on a thin branch, in Gulu, Uganda, sky in the background
I photographed this dragonfly in Gulu town, near Acholi Inn. They like resting on these thin branches.

I was in TAKS Center, near Acholi Inn, when I saw these fascinating dragonflies resting on a branch. The design on their wings made me think of Batman, and I started to dream about making a superhero costume that looked like this. Is there a Dragonflyman? Maybe I should go ahead and make it and capture the imagination of the whole world because, well, these creatures are just so beautiful.

Dragonfly, black in color, with batman wings, rests on a thin branch, in Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly rests on a thin branch, in Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly rests on a thin branch, Dragonflies in Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly rests on a thin branch, Dragonflies in Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly rests on a thin branch, Dragonflies in Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly, red in color, rests on a thin branch, Amuru Hot Springs, Amuru district, Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly rests on a thin branch, in Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly rests on a thin branch, in Gulu, Uganda
Dragonfly rests on a thin branch, in Gulu, Uganda

Now that you are here, I have a small favor to ask. I regularly make science fiction short films and I’m looking for your support. It’s very difficult to make it as a filmmaker in Africa, where there is virtually no market to encourage big film investments, and so any dollar you can spare will go a long way into changing things. Please pledge on patreon.com/dilstories You only pay after I make the film, and you can stop payments at anytime. For other options, like donating via mobile money or PayPal, please go here dilmandila.com/donate

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